MadaMim Hounds

MadaMim Hounds

mandag 25. april 2011


At Easter we went to the cabin with mam and dad, and our Grandparents.

It was the first time my kids were there, and like all mothers I was a little worried about how they would behave ..... Given that grandma is a bit scared when we get a little wild and crazy, my fear was fair enough I think ..... But it went beyond all expectations, both Cayenne and Caesar behaved almost exemplary! ;)

Dad took the pictures when we were out walking in the forest. There was not much memory of Easter with snow and skiing conditions, all the snow had melted away and it was bare everywhere! Totally great for long walks in the woods! :D

Tinka keeping a close eye on us all ..

Here we have a little snack time .. ;)

My daughter Cayenne.

Me, Tara and my son Caesar.

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