MadaMim Hounds
lørdag 30. april 2011
fredag 29. april 2011
Me and my cute little children .... :D
A few weeks ago we were at the gravel pit again. We were there with Linn, Bente and Sigbjørn and all their "children", but in this blog post I will concentrate on my children and their behavior....
As many know, Mum says that I'm the Queen, and she calls me a Lady. And we would think that my children will follow me and be young Ladies and Gentlemen? Well think again!! ;)
All photos are taken by Bente, look at them and enjoy mom's angels:
Here, I'm Tara, the Queen and Lady!
My sweet daughter Cayenne, looks like an angel.
Me and Cayenne, she's certainly not so little anymore ...
Caesar, Ella and Cayenne have fun!
Happy Cayenne!
Happy Caesar!
Happy Ella!
I'm watching my angels Ella and Cayenne play in the water... Hello, Ladies!
And what can I say about my beautiful son Caesar .... I let the pictures speak for themselves ... ;)
Not so much gentleman yet.
And I let the pictures of beautiful Ella also speak for themselves, words are unnecessary .... ;)
A beauty indeed! But a Lady, not quite yet ... :D
mandag 25. april 2011
At Easter we went to the cabin with mam and dad, and our Grandparents.
It was the first time my kids were there, and like all mothers I was a little worried about how they would behave ..... Given that grandma is a bit scared when we get a little wild and crazy, my fear was fair enough I think ..... But it went beyond all expectations, both Cayenne and Caesar behaved almost exemplary! ;)
Dad took the pictures when we were out walking in the forest. There was not much memory of Easter with snow and skiing conditions, all the snow had melted away and it was bare everywhere! Totally great for long walks in the woods! :D
Tinka keeping a close eye on us all ..
Here we have a little snack time .. ;)
My daughter Cayenne.
Me, Tara and my son Caesar.
mandag 11. april 2011
Spring is here!
And with spring and snow melt, it comes much mud and mud is fun, we love it! These pictures are from the dog park and as you can see, we are not afraid to get some mud on us. :D
Catharina has taken pictures.
I am a very very good girl Mom.... can I get the snacks? :D
Head study of a muddy, sweet saluki girl ... :)
Best friends and partners in crime... Caesar and Nemi. ;D
Nemi, our best friend. She has left home and we miss her. Fortunately, we see her often!
Our Mum and Queen, but even she can get dirty .. ;)
Cayenne wonder where Caesar is.
Me and my girl gang:
Come and catch me if you can! :D
Hey little sister, back in line with you!