Of course, I mean Whippet puppies ... ;) They have already been 4 weeks and I'm sure we can almost hear them growing!
And now they actually started to be fun, playing with each other and they obviously think that Tinka is very cool .... They pull her ears and jumps in her legs, but does not look like Tinka cares anything about it. She seemed to just enjoy it ....
I am more than satisfied with watching them from a distance...... =)
Here are the puppies out in the grass for the first time, they thought it was very exciting and fun.
Molly with the puppies. Good mommy! It's good to have food nearby when you are hungry! :D
Nemi is tired and want to sleep ... ;)
No sleeping here, Nemi, it's play time!
Hello, you seem nice, let's play together. =)
Hmm, wonder what's over there? Is something big........ ;)
Be very careful now little friend, I am sensitive these days ..... :D
Hmm, that should really be flowers in these Flower Pots, or what mom??
Tinka need to relax a little, is tiring to have puppies in the house .. Well, I just want to say: Get used to it my dear.... :)

It's hot outside so mom and dad had to have something cold to drink. Baileys frappe. :)
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