MadaMim Hounds

MadaMim Hounds

torsdag 16. juni 2011

Tara and her puppies.

Not always easy to take pictures of us all three at once in the same picture, but here Catharina managed twice on the same trip ... :D

In the last picture it is also a pair of Whippets but they try to hide.

Family Portrait. :)

Tara, Caesar and Cayenne.

The puppies are not so small anymore, but I still need to educate them a little. Cayenne is running for her life, but Caesar did not escape .... ;)

mandag 13. juni 2011

The sun is here!

Mam and dad celebrates..... :D

torsdag 9. juni 2011

The old Lady of the house.

Tinka is eight and a half years old, and she is our little mascot. :)

She is kind and patient, and patience can be nice when two "small" saluki puppies will play and tease with her. But we all have great respect for her and when she says that enough is enough, it is best to listen, because if not she can get very angry ..

Tinka also really enjoying herself when she's lying in the sofa and just relax with mom. And if the rest of us feel sad or upset, we can always come to her, she never says no when we use her as a pillow or mattress..... ;D

She is straight out said just fantastic our little Tinka!

onsdag 8. juni 2011

We simply love the dog park! :D

Here we can run and play, meet other friends and bark a little with them ...

Have small run competitions to see who is fastest, although of course we know before we start who is the winners ..... But fun it is, and our friends always have a little hope that just maybe this very day they win over us, and maybe one day we'll see .... ;)

Mum has goodies in her pocket, that we get when we relax a bit in the grass.

And best of all is that Catharina pretty much always is with us and taking lots of photos. And with her, is of course the world's coolest whippets Nemi and Java!

lørdag 4. juni 2011

Congratulations on your birthday yesterday!

Yesterday our mom turn six years old (young), and we will celebrate the world's most beautiful and kind mom!!

Tara our super-mommy! :D

Hip hip hurray for mommy yesterday! Love and kisses from Cayenne and Caesar, Tinka and our mom and dad on two legs also greeted with many hugs and kissed!